The role of a man
Men are placed on a higher level than women are, mostly because church and tradition has taught us that the man is the head. And the woman is the ‘neck’.

The rise of feminism may have granted women to 'have it all', e.g. work while raising the kids and doing so much more in between without getting any help from a man, but it hasn't put women on the same level.

This becomes even clearer when men are reprimanded or judged differently than women for doing the exact same thing! Take cheating for example. The woman who is in an adulterous relationship is labelled a bitch, home wrecker, slut, loose, etc. While the man is given a pat on the back and ignored. His behaviour is reduced to 'typical guy behaviour'.

We live in a world where women are educated and given lots of advice on how to treat a man. For instance, at a Zulu wedding the woman demonstrates how she's going to take care of her husband by applying copious amounts of Vaseline and toothpaste on his face. But the man does nothing to show how he will take care of her.

Single mothers are called names and suffer all sorts of abusive language for having children out of wedlock, while nothing is said about the man who abandons his own seed.

From a young age, girls are taught how to cook and clean in order to be marriage material, while boys aren't taught much on how to be marriage material.

A lady is expected to carry herself in a certain way while the man can do as he pleases, for reasons unknown to me.

On numerous occasions I have heard people say that women perpetuate the bad and immoral behaviour of men by ‘allowing’ men to put them in certain situations, especially cheating. If that is true, are men robots, with no thinking process or emotions? Do they not play a part in initiating the side chick relationship in the first place?

Too much attention is placed on women to be a certain way. Very little or no attention is paid on educating men on how to be a man that doesn't participate in 'typical guy behaviour' or even rebukes it.

How can it be expected that men take responsibility of abusing, raping, disrespecting women, or cheating when no one condemns their behaviour or bothers to teach them the way to go?

What is lacking are proper male role models that young boys can learn from and emulate that behaviour from. I have seen far too many men who’d rather take the backseat than be a leader because while growing up they were surrounded by women and they were taken care of by the women, and their role and character wasn’t nurtured as a man. In most cased, they were left to figure out how to be man and unfortunately there weren’t that great men surrounding them.

Today, it can’t be expected of men to be the head when they haven’t been taught how to be a man, on the other hand, it can’t be expected of women to be the ‘neck’ when the head isn’t attached properly.

A man being the provider and head is limited to physical provision. There is so much more that a man can provide emotionally, spiritually, mentally, intellectually, even psychologically. How we treat one another shouldn’t be left to women to decide, this puts the ‘man is the head’ teaching right on its head.
