Such disrespect

At times when I see the injustices against the black man committed by the white man I ask myself, how can someone perpetrate such evil against another human being. Slavery, lynching, torture, decapitation, injecting natives with diseases like small box, AIDS, EBOLA, just so they can eradicate the black race. These are just some of the crimes that the black man has suffered ever since his meeting with white people.
For those who know a little about black history, and I’m not referring to the white washed history taught in our schools, it is no secret that the white man is guilty of many many crimes afflicted on the black man. The fight may have changed today, but the war against black vs white is still going on.
Native American tribe
The crime that has stood out the most throughout what black history has taught me is the complete disrespect of the black man. Vasco da Gama, John Cecil Rhodes and Christopher Columbus are a few of the white people that have been hailed as founders of land around the world. Now I ask, how does one ‘discover’ land that was already there and that already had people living there? Black people for that matter.
The white man ‘discovering’ the Americas, East and central Africa tells us that the black people that already lived there didn’t matter hence they went on to kill them by giving them diseases and decapitating others just to get a piece of the land and to officially declare it as theirs.
Black students in Stellenbosch released a video documenting the kind of abuse they endure from the white man. We are called monkeys, baboons, kaffirs, made to feel less than a human being in the land of our ancestors. It’s like someone coming to visit my house, I accommodate them, feed them, clothe them and in return they beat and insult me cause I don’t behave the way they do at home. Or rather, they want what I have but they don’t have the common courtesy to ask nicely so they decide to take it by force.
Foundations of the entertainment industry in Hollywood stem from Africa. Stories and films about the Egyptian civilization are played by white people, yet the ancient Egyptian civilization was black!
Great inventions like car brakes and prosthetics, to mention a few, all came from the black man. As if jacking our continent wasn’t enough, they also had to steal some of our inventions. The white man found the gun in Egypt, took it, made it better and used it to kill the same people who showed it to him.
The white man is the least authentic person on the planet. They take things from others, make them better and then call it their own idea.
The Berlin Conference of 1884 – 1885, was set to decide how Africa would be divided amongst the British, Dutch, Portuguese, etc. Mind you, the opinion of the natives wasn’t requested as none of them were even at the meeting. Such disrespect!
The white man has stolen and continues to blatantly steal from the black man. Ironically, when the black man tries to get his own back, he’s labelled a savage, barbaric. Even Robert Mugabe was ridiculed by white media for chasing away white people from farms originally owned by the natives.
What’s even more worse is people who will stand up for the white man’s disrespect. I hear people say that ‘land is for everyone’. That is a complete, outright lie. If land was for everyone, then we wouldn’t have had centuries of people in battle over which area belongs to whom.

What is it that makes the white man think that he is of a superior race and can get away with anything? What makes him think that he is entitled to things that aren’t even his? How does a visitor come into my house and tell me that I must live the way that he does at his home? Why are you so disrespectful?
