#RisingBite: Interesting facts about mattresses

The word “mattress” is Arabic in origin and was most likely brought to Europe by Crusaders.

The root word of mattress means “to throw something down,” referring to the practice of the time of sleeping on cushions on the floor.

Beds have come a long way since their early invention. Source: Reddit.

The oldest known bed was found in South Africa. In 2011 archaeologists discovered a bed dating back 77 000 years ago in the Sibudu Cave in KwaZulu-Natal.

When archaeologists examined the remains under a microscope they found cape laurel tree leaves (Cryptocarya woodii). It was most likely chosen because it had repellents against mosquitoes and other pests as it has several chemical compounds in it that can kill insects.

One of the most important, but least considered innovations in regard to mattresses was simply raising them off the floor. This greatly reduced the number of pests and rodents that would share sleeping spaces with their intended occupants.
Today we are lucky to have a wide variety of comfortable and luxurious mattresses to choose from.

Source: Lowvelder
